Sommer 2017
Leonie Wiemer
Positive space - Preventing crime actions through urban upgrading and environmental design in Manenberg, Cape Town
Rapid urbanization is o en accompanied by an increased level of violence, and lawlessness which also increases a feeling of insecurity. Besides, youth unemployment, substance abuse and the proliferation of weapon are seen to exacerbate crime and violence. The impact of crime is on a daily life basis and leads to a restriction of urban, social and economical development. Violence becomes a major challenge in people’s daily life. Women and children are most a ected when fear hinders their access to social services.
South Africa is amongst the countries with a very high crime and homicide rate. Its most important touristic destination, Cape Town, is the most violent city in South Africa and also belongs to the ten most dangerous cities worldwide in 2014. The township called Manenberg is located 20km south-east of Cape Town’s central business district and is known as one of the worst precincts of the city. In 1966 during the apartheid regime, more than 60.000 people were removed from Cape Town City to the Cape Flats. These settlements, now known as townships, did not provide any social or infrastructural services at the time. People were separated according to their race of Blacks or Coloureds. 23 years a er apartheid ended townships are still neglected and disadvantaged areas with for high crime rates, violence and substance abuses.
Manenberg belongs to the ten worst precincts in Cape Town and is known as a colored township ruled by di erent gangs. This work deals with a redesign of Manenberg’s public space in order to prevent violence actions through environmental design referring to the already elaborated concept of the NGO VPUU (Violence Prevention Through Urban Upgrading) for Manenberg.